Okay .. So the 3rd week . Shit 3rd week and no revision has been done :( ALL THANKS TO THOSE IDIOTIC HOMEWORK.
Okay . The main part .
Last Friday (forgotten the date ) , I went out wif Karyn,Shirlene,Cheryl and ALICIA !!! Hahaha tt capitalized word ! It's bcos I hardly go out wif her ! So it was a fun and tired day . Actually , it's worse for karyn and Alicia as they had to go early in the morning to queue for the 3 of us to buy the tickets for TRICK EYE MUSUEM ! Okay . It's very IRONIC . I bought the ticket but I didn't go in . BCOS , the queue on tt day was SO LONG 300 mins , yes , tt was the waiting time ! So we queued till like 5:15 pm den really , tt queue was CMI so we went out of the queue and we went to eat ASTONS. Their service wasn't as good as before . When we're queueing we had alr have like 2 plans on hand . So plan A couldn't make it so we went for a plan B . Which was I CANNOT JOIN THEM ON THE NEXT DAY :( bcos I had to go to IPOH on sat 3am . Sadness overload ....
Oh no .
Oh wait . Before queueing to enter the building , we had like 3 hours in between ! so we went to watch THE FAULT IN OUT STAR !! AHHHHHH !!! WHEN GUS APPERED , MY EYES WERE LIKE *heart shaped emoji" x100!!!! HE IS SO CUTE AND HANDSOME . MORE TO CUTE! Hahahahah so I'm so gaga over him . Hehheheh . IT IS A MOVIE TT WORTH THE MONEY . Only if you love to watch romantic shows . Some parts are funny . Eg: when GUS and hazel were eating , GUS moved his eyebrows up and down ! Hahah you should watch the video !
I shall stop here .. I will end this post wif some photos. Hehe xxx