Friday, 16 November 2012

Mixed up

We , human will always take advantages of cheap things . I always do that . However , I noe that this is a bad habit as it will ruin ur impression for other ppl . Have you ever thought of that ? This is a qns .
Yes , we always look for cheap things is bcos we want to save money . We are not rich ppl , we can't afford the best quality of the things we wan but cheap things do not mean they have bad quality .

Have you ever did something just to satisfy someone or just to get the things that you wan ? If you say no , do you think ppl will believe ? No one will because this world is realistic and cruel . You can't pls anyone in the world . You did this they say tt , you did tt they say this . Bullshit, I know right .
Don't ask whether the things u did or you do can give you anything but ask yourself did you put in ur 101% of effort ? Did you concentrate and do it right ? If you did something just to pls yourself or someone I rather you dun do anything because ur heart isn't here .